Hero's Hour

Hero’s Hour is a clever pixelated iteration on the Heroes of Might and Magic formula that sports some eye-catching pixel graphics and a manic, yet extremely satisfying auto-battler combat system. Created by Benjamin Haur of ThingOnItsOwn, this is part homage to a beloved classic and part thoughtful evolution on some of the core mechanics that make the series (now regrettably controlled by Ubisoft) so appealing. At the time we recorded this (way back in Fall 2021) the game was only out on itch.io, but has received a full steam launch as of March 1st, 2022. It just keeps getting better, so listen to Josh and Bryan unpack what makes it great and then go pick it up!

Three Word Reviews:

Bryan - Manic Pixel Heroes

Josh - Mighty Fun Homage

Pixelated Playgrounds