Baldur's Gate

Gather your party because this episode we are venturing forth into the Forgotten Realms with Bioware’s classic Dungeons and Dragon’s adaptation, Baldur’s Gate. As they gear up for Baldur’s Gate 3, Bryan and Josh are starting with an exploration of the rich mechanics and storytelling that make Baldur’s Gate, and its expansion Tales of the Sword Coast, an iconic entry in the CRPG space to this day. Baldur’s Gate’s transition of D&D into the digital realm hews very close to it’s 2nd Edition roots, though this is unique and may have been a selling point to its core audience in 1997, it is not without its shortcomings from an accessibility perspective in a modern context. Listen in as we dissect the combat, adventuring, exploration, and context of this title within the broader history of gaming to determine what makes Baldur's Gate a true role-playing gem. So grab your swords, spellbooks, and a tankard of ale as Bryan and Josh delve into the secrets and stories behind this venerable title.

Three Word Reviews:

Bryan - Low Level Legend

Josh - Dated Design Difficulties

Show Notes:

GDC Europe 2010: Baldur's Gate: A 10 Year Retrospective

Pixelated Playgrounds