Citizen Sleeper

Even in the year 2022, which was overflowing with excellent narrative-driven games, Citizen Sleeper stands out as a uniquely strong experience. In Citizen Sleeper, the second game from Jump Over The Age, the player takes on the role of the titular ‘Sleeper’, a human whose mind has been digitized and put into a robot body to work in the service of the Essen-Arp corporation. You are on the run from Essen-Arp and have just arrived on a space station called Erlin’s Eye. Utilizing a novel dice-based mechanic and drawing on dystopian science fiction, you navigate a series of events and interactions to fight for your freedom and survival. Some of our favorite video game experiences seamlessly draw together their narrative, mechanics, and theme to an effect greater than the sum of its parts, Bryan and Josh both feel that Citizen Sleeper is an exemplar in this regard. Tune in to hear why!

Three Word Reviews:

Bryan - Precarity, Personality, Positivity

Josh - Paycheck to Paycheck

Show Notes:

Fireside Chat with Austin Walker & Gareth Damian Martin - LudoNarraCon 2022

Pixelated Playgrounds