Pixelated Playgrounds - Centennial Celebration

Its a party!

This episode is something just a little bit different. If you would’ve told us we would manage to stick with podcasting through over 100 episodes, I don’t think any of us would have believed you. The fact that this occurred in the midst of our trio weathering a global pandemic, having a collective of 5 children, and achieving a bunch of other life and career milestones, it’s safe to say we would have written that possibility off entirely.

However, against the odds we’re celebrating the podcast hitting 100 episodes! So we’re going to take an opportunity to thank all of our listeners and talk about some of our favorite experiences over the life of the podcast - the good times, the bad, and all the games we played along the way. So if this is your first episode, we’d recommend going back and listening to a pod or two of our favorite games we’ve covered instead, and if you’re still with us after that, listen in as we recount some highlights from our first century and talk through “how” and “why” we started the podcast in the first place.

We’ve always treated this podcast as a fun side-project and collective excuse to talk in depth about a hobby we love, but in hearing from our listeners over the course of the last few years, we’ve also come to realize that we have a great audience who have been quick to let us know the positive impact our conversations have had on their day-to-day lives. Whether the podcast is a companion to your daily commute, a distraction to help you through a long work shift, or a companion while playing your favorite games, we’re happy you’ve chosen to hang out with us. So thank you for listening and for bearing with us as we continue to seek out new experiences to share with all of you.

Take Care and Keep on Gaming!

Pixelated Playgrounds