
Isometric Games’ Tunic, released in 2022, is a game that delivers stronger than almost any other title on the promise of a genuine feeling of discovery. From you moment that you are dropped onto the isometric, flat color-shaded beach with nothing but the ethereal soundtrack by Lifeformed and Janice Kwan to keep you company, you are expected to start exploring. To start learning about the game’s various rules, systems, and secrets… because the game will not teach you about any of them itself! Tunic a modern title focused on the early 90’s idea of learning about a game through playground rumors and half understood foreign instruction manuals. Its a game that rewards looking beyond what’s immediately apparent on the screen and experimenting with every suspiciously placed object. On top of all of that, Tunic is also a formidable isometric combat experience. So squeeze through that secret passage into your Chamber of Podcast Listening and join Bryan and Josh for a spoiler-filled discussion of Tunic and its incredible in-game instruction manual!

Three Word Reviews:

Bryan - Game about Gaming

Josh - Lost and Found

Pixelated Playgrounds